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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Welcome Parents and Students! Weeek 1

Monday, September 6, 2010

Welcome Parents and Students!

       I hope you enjoyed your summer and are ready for this pleasant year we have ahead of us together. Kindergarten is a form of education for young children that serves as a transition from home to the commencement of more formal schooling. I created this blog for my class because it is a way to keep the parents updated about what we are doing in the classroom, homework, upcoming events, field trips, e.c.t. It is a great tool to be aware of your child's learning experience and i hope that you use it to the best of your advantage for your child's educational benefit.


*We will begin learning the alphabet this week; we will be focusing on 5 letters per week. So for this week, (week 1) we will be learning A,B,C,D,&E. The children will learn the sounds that the letters make and we will go over vocabulary words that start with these 5 letters. They will learn both upper and lowercase letters. We will also touch base on our colors this week and have the children identify the colors. I will have story time every day after lunch and then we will have a story map exercise on the board afterwards reviewing the story and the meaning/lesson of it.

*This week in class we will play several name games to familiarize the students amongst their peers. I will go over the classroom rules and requirements. We will focus on language arts and our writing skills.
Our assignments consist of:
-work sheets to learn the letters A,B,C,D,&E with dotted lines for the children to practice writing before writing on their own.
-there will be several other fun activities for the children to learn the letters of the week.
-the children will practice writing their names.
-we will be working on chapter 1 in our language arts book.

Note to parents: I will be sending home several pieces of paper this week for you to read and review with your child and sign as well and they are to be brought back to class the following day please. I ask that you help your child as much as you can with what we are learning in class, for example: review the letters of the week or help them write their name neatly.
Homework Assignments:
Monday- Parents sign Rules and Regulations sheet and send back to school with student the next day. AND "The Letters A & B" worksheet
Tuesday- color in "My Name Is....." worksheet.
Wednesday- "The Letters C & D" worksheet
Thursday- "The Letter E" worksheet

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